Expiration date: 4/8/2015
The applicant proposes to conduct maintenance dredging, by mechanical (clamshell bucket) method, from a barge, within the waters of Manasquan River. The maximum area of dredging is 0.217 acre (9,444 square feet), and the maximum depth would be 6 feet below the elevation of MLW. The project site is adjacent to the Manasquan River federal navigation project (minimum 150 feet away). It is proposed to dredge up to 199 cubic yards for the initial event. Dredged material would be initially placed in watertight containers on barges at the dredge site, and transported by barge across the river to the upland off-load site in Point Pleasant Beach for dewatering and transfer to trucks. Dewatering would be accomplished by surrounding with hay bales and silt fence prior draining water from containers. Trucks would haul the material to the Ocean County landfill for final disposal.