Expiration date: 5/2/2015
LOCATION: Decimal Latitude: 39.155671° North; Longitude: -74.702634° West
The project site is located along the southastern shore of Ludlam Thorofare, approximately 1,600 feet southwest of the Sea Isle Boulevard bridge (County Route 625); at 4480-4482 Venicean Road; Block 44.05, Lots 97-98; in Sea Isle City, Cape May County, New Jersey. The property contains a two-unit condominium residence. A location map is included with this notice.
ACTIVITY: The applicant proposes to modify and legalize an existing dock arrangement and perform maintenance dredging by hydraulic (pipeline method) in Ludlam Thorofare. It is proposed to dredge to a maximum depth of 4 feet below MLW. The dredged material would be transported by 10-inch plastic pipe, sunk to the waterway bottom, to an existing confined disposal facility (CDF) owned by the City of Sea Isle City, located along the southwest side of Rio Grande Lagoon at Ludlum Thorofare.