Expiration date: 3/16/2015
LOCATION: The project is located at 9315 Amherst Avenue, on the property known as block 528, lot 4, in the City of Margate, Atlantic County, New Jersey.
ACTIVITY: As shown on the attached plan E-5, the applicant proposes to install twenty six, 12 inch piling for the construction of a new fixed pier, an aluminum gangway, and five floating docks, associated with the development of a new commercial/public marina (Margate Marina). As shown on the attached plan E-6, the proposed 67 linear foot long by 6.5 foot wide fixed pier would be constructed using 14 foundation piles, 2” by 6” decking materials, and placed 3.7 feet above the Mean High Water elevation. The fixed pier would be used as a walkway to the new gangway/ramp. The installation of the gangway/ramp would provide access to the proposed EZ floating dock system, as shown on the attached plans E-5 through E-14. The floating dock system would be comprised of one, 136.22 linear foot long by 5.72 foot wide section, three, 61.62 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide sections, and one, 116.76 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide section leading to a 31.66 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide “T”. The floating dock system would accommodate 41, 12 linear feet long by 4 foot wide EZ Port 3 personal watercraft docks. The new EZ Port 3 docks would provide for 41 new jet ski moorings.