Expiration date: 3/28/2015
Approximately 2.8 miles east of Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey
PROPOSED PERMIT MODIFICATION: In a letter dated December 3, 2014, Fishermen’s Energy, LLC requested that this office modify the above referenced Department of the Army permit. The following changes have been requested:
The permittee would install six (6) 4 megawatt turbines, with a maximum output of approximately twenty five (25) megawatts. Each of the three (3) turbine blades would be two hundred thirteen (213) feet long, as opposed to the previously approved one hundred ninety two (192) foot long blade. The turbine hub height would be up to two hundred ninety seven (297) feet above mean high water, as opposed to three hundred (300) feet above mean high water. The lowest the turbine blades would be during rotation is eighty (80) feet above mean high water as opposed to one hundred (100) feet, and the highest the turbine blade would be during rotation would be five hundred seven (507) feet above mean high water as opposed to five hundred (500) feet.
The jacket foundations would be changed, requiring the installation of four (4) eighty four (84) inch piles that would be driven through ninety (90) inch sleeves used to support the turbine. The issued permit authorized a monopole installation and was modified to allow for the installation of a total of eighteen (18) forty eight (48) inch diameter piles. The pilling sleeves are incorporated into the base of the turbine structure. The work would be performed using either a jack-up barge or a floating crane barge. The maximum sound generation for each pile would be approximately 199 dB (re 1 uPa) at the source, which as not chaged from the previously approved permit. The structural braces for the towers would be seventy two (72) inches in diameter and would be located laterally along the foundation. Due to the redesign of the towers, there will be no need for the placement of filter or armor stone at the project sites. No discharge of dredged or fill material is now proposed for the installation of the individual wind turbines.
All submarine electric cables would be buried to a target depth of approximately six (6) feet below mean low water as opposed to nine (9) feet. The depth of the cable below the Federal beach nurishment project along the Atlantic City Beach will be twenty (20) feet instead of twenty seven (27) feet under the beach. The cable that would run from the turbines to the shore would be five (5) inches in diameter as opposed to eight (8) inches in diameter.
The applicant has also requested that the expiration date of the permit be extended from December 31, 2015 to July 31, 2018.
All remaining aspects of the project, including staging sites, vessel traffic, color and labeling of the turbines, seasonal restriction and maintenance schedules would remain unchanged from that previously approved by this office.