
  • 2015-167 Borough of Stone Harbor

    Expiration date: 6/26/2015

    The applicant proposes to dredge accumulated sediments from various lagoons and bay-front areas within the Borough of Stone Harbor, including private boat slips.

  • SPN 15-30

    The purpose of this Special Public Notice is to hereby inform the public of the recent Federal listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) as a Threatened Species with Interim 4(d) Rule under the Endangered Species Act and the associated requirements for coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). This listing became effective on May 4, 2015. For additional information regarding the listing of the Northern Long Eared Bat please visit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) web site at:

  • 2015-98

    Expiration date: 5/29/2015

    The applicant is proposing to construct a new bridge protection system. The proposed work would include the installation of eight (8) separate solid-fill dolphin cells. Each cell would measure eighty (80) feet in diameter. Four cells would be installed at the piers supporting the western towers with two cells on the upstream side and two cells on the downstream side. The same configuration would be utilized for the dolphin cells at the piers supporting the eastern towers of the bridge. The dolphin cells at the western towers would be located a minimum of 454 feet from the edge of the Delaware River Federal navigation channel while the dolphin cells at the eastern towers would be located a minimum of 413 feet from the edge of the Delaware River Federal navigation channel. The proposed work is located in the Delaware River adjacent to the existing bridge piers supporting the center span of the Delaware Memorial Bridge between New Castle County, Delaware and Salem County, New Jersey. Coordinates for the project are: 39.688866 North Latitude and 75.518553 West Longitude.

  • 2015-555

    Expiration date: 5/9/2015

    Proposed structures in Lewes and Rehoboth Canal by the University of Delaware, College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment.

  • 2015-74 Evergreen Great Bay Mitigation Bank

    Expiration date: 5/23/2015

    108 acre of rehabilitated, re-established, and preserved wetland and uplands at Evergreen Great Bay Mitigation Bank in Bass River Township, Burlington County, New Jersey