
  • 2014-1200

    Expiration date: 2/19/2015

    Structures in Lewes & Rehoboth Canal

  • 2015-SPN-1 Interpretive Rule Withdrawn

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of the Army (Army) are announcing the withdrawal of an interpretive rule addressing the exemption from permitting provided under section 404(f)(1)(A) of the Clean Water Act (CWA). The agencies want to make clear that the statutory exemption of 404(f)(1)(A) still remains available for use when applicable for discharges of dredged and/or fill material associated with normal farming, silviculture, and ranching activities that are part of an established operation and that do not have as their purpose bringing an area of waters of the U.S. into a use to which it was not previously subject, where the flow or circulation of the waters of the U.S. may be impaired or the reach of such waters be reduced (see 33 CFR 323.4 for more information).

  • 2014-768 DE SPGP20

    Reissuance of Delaware SPGP20 for the construction of new and the maintenance of existing non-commercial peirs, docks, gangways/ramps, stairs/ladders, mooring piles, boat lifts, modular floating platforms for jet skis and larger vessels, structural breakwaters, and the replacement of existing serviceable bulkheads in navigable waters of the United States within the State of Delaware.

  • 2012/2015-006

    Expiration date: 2/23/2015

    Reference is made to Department of the Army nationwide permit 48 (NWP 48) which authorizes commercial shellfish aquaculture activities in waters of the United States. This NWP was published in the Federal Register on February 21, 2012 and became effective on March 19, 2012. The Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife has developed a shellfish aquaculture program for eight specific shellfish aquaculture development areas (SADA) in the Delaware Inland Bays. These areas include Rehoboth Bay, Indian River Bay, Little Assawoman Bay and Delaware’s portion of Big Assawoman Bay.

  • 2013-114

    Expiration date: 2/9/2015

    LOCATION: Lat: 40.015781 N, Lon: -75.712674 W. The linear wetland is located along the south side of the US 30 Bypass, 1,650 feet west of the intersection of Creek Road and US 30 Bypass in Caln Township, Chester County, PA. ACTIVITY: The applicant proposes to install a 26 inch gas transmission line through wetland W400-PA via open cut trench method. This will entail clearing all vegetation from the right-of-way and the additional work space within W400-PA, striping and segregating the topsoil, opening the trench, welding the pipe string together, laying the pipe, back filling the trench, and lastly, placing the segregated top soil back over top of the entire work area. This will result in the temporary disturbance of 2.207 acre of W400-PA. Of the 2.207 acres of impact, 1.501 acres of W400-PA will be permanently maintained as right-of-way over the pipeline. This will result in the permanent conversion of this area from a Palustrine Forested (PFO) wetland to a Palustrine Emergent (PEM) wetland. There is no loss of overall wetland acreage, just the conversion from one type of wetland to another. Columbia has proposed that the remaining 0.706 acres of wetland will be allowed to regenerate naturally