
  • 2014-0098-46

    Expiration date: 5/21/2014

    The applicant proposes to modify the existing Pier 1A (originally approved by this office on 3 February 2004 under Department of the Army individual permit CENAP-OP-R-200300936). The proposed modification is the extension of 150 linear feet of new crane railway on top of the existing decking. The railway extension would require the placement of approximately nine (9) new 16 inch diameter concrete filled steel piles below the mean high water line and relocation of existing utilities on or within the deck surface but not below the water. Piles to be placed would include the discharge of a total of 7 cubic yards of poured concrete within 12.5 square feet of waterway below the high tide line.

  • Final Proposed Rule for Definition of Waters of the U.S.

    Expiration date: 7/21/2014

    On 21 April 2014, the USEPA and the Corps of Engineers (Corps) are publishing for public comment a proposed rule defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA), in light of the U.S. Supreme Court cases in U.S. v. Riverside Bayview, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (SWANCC), and Rapanos v. United States (Rapanos). The proposed rule was developed to enhance protection for the nation’s public health and aquatic resources, and increase CWA program predictability and consistency by increasing clarity as to the scope of “waters of the United States” protected under the Act. Developing a final rule to provide the intended level of certainty and predictability, and minimizing the number of case-specific determinations, will require significant public involvement and engagement. Such involvement and engagement will allow the agencies to make categorical determinations of jurisdiction, in a manner that is consistent with the scientific body of information before the agencies – particularly on the category of waters known as “other waters.


    Expiration date: 6/5/2014

    On 21 April 2014, the USEPA and the Corps of Engineers (Corps) are publishing a Notice of Availability and Public Comment to announce the availability of an interpretive rule regarding the applicability of the exemption from permitting provided under section 404(f)(1)(A) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) for discharges of dredged and/or fill material associated with certain agricultural conservation practices based on the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) conservation practice standards that are designed and implemented to protect and enhance water quality. The interpretive rule was effective on April 03, 2014. Under the CWA, section 404 regulates the discharges of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S. and section 404(f)(1) includes a list of activities that are exempt from regulation under section 404. Section 404(f)(1)(A) provides an exemption for discharges of dredged and/or fill material from “normal farming, silviculture, and ranching activities, such as plowing, seeding, cultivating, minor drainage, harvesting for the production of food, fiber, and forest products, or upland soil and water conservation practices.” The interpretive rule clarifies that certain NRCS conservation practices that are designed and implemented to protect and enhance water quality are included under these “normal farming, silviculture, and ranching activities.”

  • Final Proposed Rule for Definition of Waters of the U.S.

    Expiration date: 7/21/2014

    On 21 April 2014, the USEPA and the Corps of Engineers (Corps) are publishing for public comment a proposed rule defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA), in light of the U.S. Supreme Court cases in U.S. v. Riverside Bayview, Solid Waste Agency of Northern Cook County v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (SWANCC), and Rapanos v. United States (Rapanos). The proposed rule was developed to enhance protection for the nation’s public health and aquatic resources, and increase CWA program predictability and consistency by increasing clarity as to the scope of “waters of the United States” protected under the Act. Developing a final rule to provide the intended level of certainty and predictability, and minimizing the number of case-specific determinations, will require significant public involvement and engagement. Such involvement and engagement will allow the agencies to make categorical determinations of jurisdiction, in a manner that is consistent with the scientific body of information before the agencies – particularly on the category of waters known as “other waters.”

  • 2014-214

    Expiration date: 5/1/2014

    Dredging is proposed within Spicers Creek, Cape Island Creek, Schellengers Creek, and Devils Reach in the City of Cape May, Cape May County, New Jersey. The dredged material would be disposed within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cape May confined disposal facility (see Enclosure 1 & 2).