
  • 2012-1358

    Expiration date: 3/16/2015

    LOCATION: The project is located at 9315 Amherst Avenue, on the property known as block 528, lot 4, in the City of Margate, Atlantic County, New Jersey. ACTIVITY: As shown on the attached plan E-5, the applicant proposes to install twenty six, 12 inch piling for the construction of a new fixed pier, an aluminum gangway, and five floating docks, associated with the development of a new commercial/public marina (Margate Marina). As shown on the attached plan E-6, the proposed 67 linear foot long by 6.5 foot wide fixed pier would be constructed using 14 foundation piles, 2” by 6” decking materials, and placed 3.7 feet above the Mean High Water elevation. The fixed pier would be used as a walkway to the new gangway/ramp. The installation of the gangway/ramp would provide access to the proposed EZ floating dock system, as shown on the attached plans E-5 through E-14. The floating dock system would be comprised of one, 136.22 linear foot long by 5.72 foot wide section, three, 61.62 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide sections, and one, 116.76 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide section leading to a 31.66 linear foot long by 4.86 foot wide “T”. The floating dock system would accommodate 41, 12 linear feet long by 4 foot wide EZ Port 3 personal watercraft docks. The new EZ Port 3 docks would provide for 41 new jet ski moorings.

  • 2014-234

    Expiration date: 2/26/2015

    LOCATION: Decimal Latitude: 39.114195° North; Longitude: -74.891949° West The proposed work would take place off-shore from South Reeds Beach, between Reeds Beach and Cooks Beach Roads, in Middle Township, Cape May County, New Jersey. The work would occur off-shore from Block 29, Lots 1 and 2 (property owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as part of the Cape May National Wildlife Refuge), and within an existing shellfish lease (A-23) held by Elder Point Oyster Company. A location map is included with this notice. ACTIVITY: The applicant proposes to construct an experimental oyster reef in Delaware Bay. The project would include placement of two rows of bagged conch shells 200 feet long (each) in a parallel herringbone pattern. The configuration would be comprised of an inner row of bagged conch shell that is 1’ (2 shell bags) high from the bottom and approximately 50’ off-shore from the toe of the beach slope (approximately 150 feet waterward of the mean high water line or MHWL). The outer row would be 2’ (3 shell bags) high, 5’ wide and approximately 100’ off-shore from the toe of the beach slope (approximately 200 feet waterward of the MHWL). The rows would consist of reef segments that are 5’ x 10’ each, with 3- to 5-foot gaps between segments to allow for horseshoe crab movement. Reef segments would be staked in place with rebar. A total of 30 segments would cover approximately 1,500 square feet (0.034 acre) within the overall 0.28-acre project area.

  • 2015-99

    Expiration date: 3/2/2015

    Bulkheading in Dagsboro, Sussex County, DE.

  • SPN 15-08 Hop Bottom Creek Commercial Statewide Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus

    Expiration date: 3/4/2015

    Hop Bottom Creek Commercial Statewide Umbrella Mitigation Bank Prospectus