
Archive: 2016
  • Special Public Notice 16-37

    Expiration date: 8/1/2016

    The attached public notice was prepared by the USACE Baltimore District. It announces that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has published a proposal in the Federal Register on June 1, 2016 to re-issue the existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and to issue two new NWPs. Comments on the proposed NWP re-authorizations are due by August 1, 2016. This public notice also announces the Baltimore District proposal to issue regional conditions that would be applicable to the new NWPs for activities in the States of Maryland, Pennsylvania and District of Columbia. The Baltimore District is the lead district for the development of regional conditions in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia. Comments on the proposed regional conditions in Pennsylvania, Maryland and the District of Columbia should be forwarded to the Baltimore District and are due by August 1, 2016.

  • CENAP-OP-R-Proposed NWPs

    Expiration date: 8/1/2016

    The attached public notice announces that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has published a proposal in the Federal Register on June 1, 2016 to re-issue the existing nationwide permits (NWPs) and to issue two new NWPs. Comments on the proposed NWP re-authorizations are due by August 1, 2016. This public notice also announces the Philadelphia District proposal to issue regional conditions that would be applicable to the new NWPs for activities in the States of New Jersey and Delaware. The Philadelphia District is the lead district for this regional condition development in New Jersey. Accordingly, the proposed regional conditions for New Jersey would be applicable for both the Philadelphia District and New York District. Comments on the proposed regional conditions in New Jersey and Delaware are due by July 30, 2016.

  • 2016-0297

    Expiration date: 6/29/2016

    The New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Maritime Resources proposes to hydraulically dredge accumulated sediment from within portions of the Lavallette Beach Channel (see Attachment 1- project plans). This project is being advertised for one Department of the Army authorization project as a 10 Year maintenance dredging permit. The project consists of maintenance dredging within Lavallette Beach Channel (#076) located within the Boroughs of Lavallette and Seaside Heights, and Toms River and Berkeley Townships.

  • 2015-0802-65

    Expiration date: 7/10/2016

    The Tennessee Gas Pipe Line Company (TGP) has submitted a Department of the Army permit application for wetland and waterway crossings associated with the TGP Orion Project (Orion) in Pennsylvania. The project is eligible for twenty one (21) Pennsylvania State Permit General Permit 4’s (PASPGP-4) and an Individual Permit for the remaining ineligible crossings as is summarized on Attachment 2 Project Area Impacts.

  • 2015-1204

    Expiration date: 7/8/2016

    Paulsboro Natural Pipeline Gas Company, LLC (PNGPC) is seeking authorization from the Federal Regulatory Commission (FERC) under sections 7(b) and 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) to relocate, remove, replace, in part, and abandon in place, in part, an existing approximate 2.6 mile long 6-inch and 8-inch diameter natural gas pipeline with a 12 inch and 24 inch pipeline, extending across the Delaware River between Delaware County, Pennsylvania and Gloucester County, New Jersey. The sole customer served by the pipeline is the Paulsboro Refining Company (PRC). The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is the lead Federal agency in the preparation of the necessary Nation Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for this project and is addressing all related work as part of their review. FERC’s Docket Number for this proposal is CP-16-27-000. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District is a cooperating agency in the preparation of the Environmental assessment (EA) for this project. This proposed activity also requires Department of the Army authorization.