
Archive: December, 2017
  • 2017-00702

    Expiration date: 1/10/2018

    The applicant proposes to perform thin layer deposition of sediment across a degraded tidal salt marsh. This thin layer deposition will be conducted by spreading approximately 10,122 cubic yards (CY) of suitable dredged sediment into a series of five (5) cells. The proposed work is in Barnegat Bay/ Reedy Creek Tributaries in Berkeley Township, Ocean County, New Jersey. Public comments are due by Jan. 10, 2018. More details are available in the "Public Notice and Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2017-0718

    Expiration date: 1/10/2018

    The applicant, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, proposes to perform maintenance hydraulic dredging to a boat basin used by the University for its research vessels. This office issued a Department of the Army permit for the dredging of the marina in 2003. The site was last dredged in 2003. The hydraulic dredge will remove approximately 10,500 cubic yards from an area approximately 2 acres in size. The boat basin will be dredged to a depth of 8 feet below mean low water. The dredged material, composed primarily of sand, with some silt, would be discharged though the pipe directly into Shooting Thorofare. Public comments are due by Jan. 10. 2017. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2017-738

    Expiration date: 12/26/2017

    The applicant has applied for a 10-year maintenance dredging permit. The applicant proposes to conduct hydraulic maintenance dredging of approximately 355 cubic yards of accumulated sediment to a depth of -4’ MLW, measuring approximately 3,210 square feet at a private boat dock located in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware. The dredged material will be hydraulically pumped to an existing confined upland disposal site located at the western end of Anglers Road. Public comments are due by Dec. 26, 2017. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2017-748

    Expiration date: 12/26/2017

    The applicant has applied for a 10-year maintenance dredging permit. The applicant proposes to conduct hydraulic maintenance dredging of approximately 240 cubic yards of accumulated sediment to a depth of -5’ MLW, measuring approximately 0.056 acre at a private boat dock located in the Lewes and Rehoboth Canal, Lewes, Sussex County, Delaware. The dredged material will be hydraulically pumped to an existing confined upland disposal site located at the western end of Anglers Road. Public comments are due by Dec. 26, 2017. More information is available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.