
Archive: 2023
  • 2022-00412-TEC

    Expiration date: 7/30/2023

    The New Jersey Turnpike Authority has requested Department of the Army authorization to conduct work in navigable waters of the United States and to discharge dredged and/or fill material into waters of the United States associated with improvements to the Parkway between Milepost 80.4 near the stream crossing of Jakes Branch and Milepost 84.1 near Interchange 83 at Route 9/166 crossing. The proposed project would include widening the Parkway, resulting in mainly three through lanes with adjacent collector-distributor roadways in each direction including safety and operational improvements at Interchanges 80, 81, and 82/82A. The proposed work is located in Beachwood Borough, South Toms River Borough, Berkeley Township, and Toms River Township, Ocean County, New Jersey. The stated purpose of this project is to improve accessibility, safety, and travel time along the Parkway from Milepost 80 to 83 by constructing the missing Parkway access points at Interchange 80; providing additional traffic capacity and eliminating unsafe weaving conditions along the mainline and at interchanges; and correcting substandard design elements, where feasible. Public comments are requested by July 30, 2023. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2023-00326-85

    Expiration date: 7/26/2023

    The Murderkill River entrance to the Delaware Bay is maintained by concrete filled geotextile bags serving as jetties along the northern bank and the southern bank, extending east into the Delaware Bay. The Murderkill River has a federally authorized navigation channel of 60 feet width at -7 feet MLW. The adjacent jetty structures are not included as part of the federal project. The concrete filled bags that make up the jetties are deteriorating and require replacement. The south jetty is overtopped by wave action and the tides, resulting in shoaling of the navigation channel. The 300 feet section of the north jetty is currently losing sediment through gaps in the concrete bags causing additional shoaling of the inlet channel. Both jetty reconstructions will reduce the loss of sand and sediment into the Murderkill River, reducing the need for dredging of the entrance channel. The concrete bags making up the south jetty will be excavated, removed and hauled to a recycler off-site in roughly 20 feet sections. Sand excavated to achieve proper elevations for the jetty will be placed along the beach south of the south jetty and graded to meet the existing profile. Geotextiles, foundation stone, bedding stone and armor stone will then be placed to form the new jetty. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are requested by July 26, 2023.

  • 2021-00576-85

    Expiration date: 7/11/2023

    The applicant, Patricia Schuchman, Town of Fenwick Island, proposes to hydraulically dredge two channels identified as the North Channel and South Channel within the Little Assawoman Bay. Approximately 19,000 cubic yards of material will be pumped into geotextile dewatering bags located west of the dredging areas at 38876 Bennett Avenue in Selbyville, Sussex County, Delaware. The dewatering area will be surrounded by super silt fence, with the excess water collected via sumps or earthen berms and pumped back into the bay. Once dewatered, the dredged material will remain on site for use on the property. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are requested by July 11, 2023.

  • 2021-01100-86

    Expiration date: 7/5/2023

    The applicant, Jim Marshall – BP Point Breeze, LLC, has requested a Department of the Army permit for a proposed project located along the Schuylkill River at 6310 West Passyunk Avenue, City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania. The proposed project involves constructing a 487,590 square foot modern cross-dock warehouse with 95 trailer parking positions, 244 auto parking spaces, surface and underground stormwater control measures, and permittee responsible wetland mitigation. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" document. Public comments are requested by July 5, 2023.

  • 2017-01069-84

    Expiration date: 7/3/2023

    This Public Notice is in regards to an application (from Atlantic Shores LLC) for a Department of the Army permit to install and maintain two offshore wind energy facilities and the required supporting infrastructure in federal waters at least 8.7 statute miles east of Atlantic City. The applicant's stated purpose of the activity is to develop a wind driven energy generation facility within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Lease Area OCS-A 0499 that meets the need for competitively priced renewable energy and additional capacity in accordance with state and regional renewable energy demands and goals. BOEM is the lead federal agency for this project, responsible for coordinating review in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Public comments are requested by July 3, 2023. More details are available in the "Public Notice" document.