
Archive: 2023
  • Special Public Notice 23-17

    The purpose of this Special Public Notice is to hereby inform the public of the recent changes made by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) regarding the final rule to reclassify the federal listing of the Northern Long-Eared Bat (Myotis septentrionalis) as an Endangered Species under the Endangered Species Act. USACE is hereby providing notification to the public regarding the establishment of a Special Condition for previously issued Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 and/or Section 404 of the Clean Water Act authorizations/verifications in Pennsylvania. This notice affects projects that were previously authorized or verified by the Corps, or the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, through Nationwide Permits, Individual Permits, General Permits, Letters of Permission, Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-6, or other applicable federal authorizations and/or verifications where the authorized work has not been completed as of March 31, 2023. More details are available in the Special Public Notice.

  • 2023-00116-95

    Expiration date: 4/6/2023

    2023-00116-95 - This Public Notice is related to a request from Ocean Casino Resort to renourish an Atlantic Ocean beach berm area within the federal design template of the Absecon Island Coastal Storm Risk Management Federal Civil Works Project. The location for the proposed work is the Atlantic Ocean beach berm area between Garden Pier and the Massachusetts Avenue groin at 500 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, Atlantic County, New Jersey. The stated purpose is to provide for shore protection and recreational beach at an eroded beach berm area. More details are available in the Public Notice & Plans documents. Public comments are requested by April 6, 2023.

  • 2022-00970-95

    Expiration date: 4/6/2023

    2022-00970-95 - This Public Notice is related to a request from the New Jersey Department of Transportation Office of Maritime Resources to restore to historical dimensions and construct improvements to the existing Confined Disposal Facility at Gull Island, Borough of Point Pleasant Beach, Ocean County, New Jersey. The stated purpose of this project is to renew capacity, improve access, address erosion, safeguard against slope failures, and increase the efficiency of the Gull Island Confined Disposal Facility so that it can continue to operate as the region’s sole dredged material management and storage facility. More details are available in the Public Notice & Plans documents. Public comments are requested by April 6, 2023.

  • 2016-00271-97

    Expiration date: 4/3/2023

    The applicant, SP Cape May Marina, LCC, seeks authorization to perform mechanical maintenance dredge of approximately 4,517 cubic yards of material over a 102,047 square foot area at Cape Island Creek in the City of Cape May, Cape May County, New Jersey. Dredged material would be placed in a hopper barge, off-loaded at the Cape May Marina and trucked to CDF Site 983 in Lower Township, Cape May County, New Jersey. The stated purpose is to meet the need for safe navigation and mooring of private recreational vessels. More details are available in the "Public Notice" and "Plans" attachments. Public comments are requested by April 3, 2023.

  • 2018-00349-45

    Expiration date: 3/24/2023

    The USACE Philadelphia District has received a permit application from the Port of Philadelphia. The applicant proposes to perform mechanical maintenance dredging using a closed-clamshell environmental bucket to provide appropriate water depths for the safe turning and docking of container vessels that call at the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal located at 3301 South Columbus Boulevard, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  The project is located at the Packer Avenue Marine terminal turning basin, on the New Jersey side of the Delaware River, in Gloucester City, Camden County, New Jersey. The dredged material would be placed directly into a barge for transport to two potential disposal sites; Weeks Marine, Incorporated’s Whites Basin Confined Disposal Facility located in Logan Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey, or at the Fort Mifflin Confined Disposal Facility operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment. Public comments are requested by March 24, 2023.