Expiration date: 3/30/2019
The applicant, the Borough of Beachwood, Ocean County, New Jersey, has proposed to construct a 40 linear foot vinyl and timber bulkhead and pile extension immediately adjacent to the existing "T"-shaped dock (16 timber pile segments to be driven), construct rock toe stabilization (220 cubic yards of crushed stone and rock) over 1,980 square feet (0.045 acre) of waterway below the high tide line along the proposed and existing bulkhead area (including extension), and to re-grade the existing beach with 1,040 cubic yards of sand to be placed over 0.64 acre of waterway below the high tide line. The location for the work is along the Eastern shoreline of Toms River, along Bayside Avenue, Borough of Beachwood, Ocean County, New Jersey. The applicant's stated purpose of the project is to reduce erosion along the eastern shoreline of Beachwood Beach. Public comments are due by March 30, 2019. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.