Expiration date: 7/29/2021
The applicant, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection – Blue Acres Program, has requested Department of the Army authorization to perform work along approximately 1,350.0-linear feet of the northern Delaware Bay shoreline of Money Island in Downe Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey. The proposed work includes the construction of five submerged rock breakwaters; installation of two aid to navigation pilings and one ice break/aid to navigation dolphin; replacement and extension of deteriorated timber wing wall; and grading and plantings of cordgrass and native dune grasses along the Money Island shoreline. The stated purpose of this project is to restore and enhance eroded Delaware Bay shoreline habitat by reducing wave energy and creating sheltered waters to enhance Horseshoe Crab spawning opportunities and survivability while increasing the residence time of the beach sand and design template, reduce longshore sediment transport, and reduce shoaling rates at the mouth of a small, unnamed tidal creek to allow for continued tidal flow to the back marsh. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" document. Public comments are due by July 29, 2021.