
  • Special Public Notice 21-36

    The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that repairs of damage to public and private property caused by Tropical Storm/Hurricane Ida and associated flooding and weather conditions, may be authorized, subject to the procedures described below in Maryland, the District of Columbia, certain military installations in northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania. More details are available in the Public Notice document.

  • 2021-00766-84

    Expiration date: 9/22/2021

    The USACE Philadelphia District has received a Prospectus to establish a compensatory wetland mitigation bank for Department of the Army permits. The proposed Tohickon Creek Mitigation Bank site is located within the Upper Tohickon Creek Watershed, one of three smaller drainage areas that comprise the Tohickon Creek Watershed and has recently been principally used for agricultural production of hay and cultivated crops. The Bank Sponsor intends to establish the bank to provide compensatory mitigation to compensate for unavoidable impacts to Waters of the United States and/or Waters of the Commonwealth, including wetlands, occurring in the Lower Delaware River Subbasin (Pennsylvania State Water Plan Sub-basin #3S). Public comments are requested by September 22, 2021. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2018-0868-91

    Expiration date: 9/22/2021

    Tobyhanna Township is proposing a project to relocate Stillwater Drive as part of an overall project to realign the southbound Interstate-380 (I-380) exit ramp at the intersection of State Route 940 (SR-940) and I-380 South. Construction of the new access roads would require impacts to a forested wetland (Plan Sheet: “Stillwater Drive Relocation Project Impact Plan”). Additional road work will include the construction of a median that will affect access to commercial properties near the realigned exit ramp. The stated purpose of the project is to improve safety and traffic flow at the I-380/SR940 interchange. The applicant states that the current I-380 South exit ramp alignment creates an unsafe interchange due to its location relative to the intersection of SR940, Long Pond Road and Stillwater Drive. Public comments are requested by Sept 22, 2021. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" attachment.

  • 2018-00318-95

    Expiration date: 7/29/2021

    The applicant, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection – Blue Acres Program, has requested Department of the Army authorization to perform work along approximately 1,350.0-linear feet of the northern Delaware Bay shoreline of Money Island in Downe Township, Cumberland County, New Jersey. The proposed work includes the construction of five submerged rock breakwaters; installation of two aid to navigation pilings and one ice break/aid to navigation dolphin; replacement and extension of deteriorated timber wing wall; and grading and plantings of cordgrass and native dune grasses along the Money Island shoreline. The stated purpose of this project is to restore and enhance eroded Delaware Bay shoreline habitat by reducing wave energy and creating sheltered waters to enhance Horseshoe Crab spawning opportunities and survivability while increasing the residence time of the beach sand and design template, reduce longshore sediment transport, and reduce shoaling rates at the mouth of a small, unnamed tidal creek to allow for continued tidal flow to the back marsh. More details are available in the "Public Notice & Plan Details" document. Public comments are due by July 29, 2021. 

  • Special Public Notice - Pennsylvania SPGP 6

    The purpose of this Public Notice is to inform the public that the Pennsylvania State Programmatic General Permit-6 (PASPGP-6) has been issued for a 5-year period by the USACE Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh Districts respectively.